Merchandise NO 3-1           

Tsuyoshi Inukai

Price 40,000 YEN

Tsuyoshi Inukai (1854-1932)

 The politician.
 He was born in Okayama Pref. in 1854.
 His real name was Thuyoshi, Mokudo was the nickname.
 He was called to be together with Gakudo Ozaki
 as 'the god of the politics'.
 He the calligraphy good .
 He was assassinated with 5.15 events in 1932.

Main Paper B=42.5cm H=131.0cm
Mounting Silk B=55.0cm H=202.0cm
Box Naohiko Seki signed
paulownia box included.
Artwork is in good condition.
with some light creasing.

Naohiko Seki signed paulownia box