Merchandise NO 2C-11           

/ Chikai Iwai

Price 30,000 YEN

Chikai Iwai (1863|1942)

Monk of the Jodo sect from the Meiji era to the early Showa era.
He was born on May 27, 1863 in Fukuoka Prefecture.
Chief of Zojoji Temple and Chion-in. President Jodo Sect.
He died on May 24, 1942. 80 years old.

Silk B=34.0cm H=123.0cm
Mounting Silk B=42.0cm H=215.0cm
Box Wood box included.
Artwork is in good condition .
Meaning (Namuami dabutsu)
Word of the prayer of the Buddhist .
The same as the amen of the Christian .

Signatureless Paulownia box