Merchandise NO 3-104           

Jyozan Ishikawa


Jyozan Ishikawa (1583-1672)

 Chinese poet of the early Edo period
 Although he was a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu, he later became a monk and studied Zen,
 and also became a disciple of Fujiwara Seika.
 Later, he lived in Shisendo in Ichijoji Village, Kyoto, and spent his life enjoying poetry.

Main Paper B=28.0cm H=105.0cm
Mounting Silk B=30.5cm H=158.5cm
Box Signatureless
cedar box included.
with brown by the aging.
Minor damage to the lower part
of the mounting.
Meaning (Banzai ryokumou no kame)
Banzai green fur turtle
words celebrating longevity.

Signatureless cedar box

Partial expansion